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[발표] 2017년 일본 장기자원봉사(MLTV)

2017-01-20 · 관리자

2017년 일본 MLTV 프로그램

< 지원 안내 >

1. 지원 자격
- 만 19세 이상 39세 이하
- 국제자원봉사 활동에 관심이 있는 자
- 적극적이고 활발한 성격의 소유자
- 낯선 환경에서도 문제없이 생활이 가능한 자
- 영어, 일본어 사용 가능자 (프로그램 별 상이)

2. 제출 서류
- 영문 참가 신청서 <참가 신청서 다운로드> 클릭
- 국문/일어 지원동기서 각각 1부씩 (MS. Word, 자유양식 A4 1장)
  * 반드시 다음의 내용을 포함해 작성해 주세요*

1. Why would you like to participate in this program? ( Your main motivation)
2. How do you plan to contribute to this program?
3. What do you hope to learn and gain from this experience?
4. How will you make advantage of this experience for the “next step” in your life?

3. 제출방법
- 제출서류 (영문참가신청서, 국문/일어 지원동기서) 알집으로 압축
[참가신청서 제출하기] 클릭하여 제출 

4. 참가절차
신청 ► 1차 심사 ► 선발자 대상 전화 상담  ►  등록비용 입금  ► 참가절차 진행 (일본 현지기관과 일본어 전화 인터뷰가 있을 수도 있습니다.)  ► 2차 심사  ►  합격 여부 최종 결정

*참가합격까지 약 3-4주가 소요되므로 시간적 여유를 두고 신청해 주시길 바랍니다.
*신청과 관련된 자세한 사항은 왼쪽의 상단의 메뉴-[참가신청 안내] 페이지를 확인
5. 사전교육/ 평가회
모든 자원봉사자들은 일본 현지에서 진행되는 사전교육 및 사후 평가회에 반드시 참가해야 합니다. 
사전교육 장소는 도쿄 또는 오사카이며, 프로젝트 합격 후 개별 안내 드립니다.

*중장기 프로그램 참가기간 안에 세미나 참가 기간이 포함됩니다. 
*세미나 종료 후 봉사활동 개최지까지의 이동 비용은 각자 부담합니다.

■ 등록비용 : 50만원
* 포함내역: 등록 및 프로그램 배치, 사전교육, 현지활동 운영비, 인증서 발급
* 불포함 내역: 현장납부비, 항공권, 여권발급비, 비자발급비, 여행자 보험, 개인여행비용 및 용돈
  참가비용 및 환불 안내는 <바로가기>에서 자세하게 확인 가능합니다.

■ 현장납부비 : 12,000 yen / 1개월

<지역별 프로그램 소개>

 Wazuka, Kyoto 
프로젝트 코드 프로젝트 명 활동 지역 활동 기간 활동 테마 인원
NICE-LI-WA17-2 Wazuka 17-2  Kyoto 04/07-07/02 농업, 세계유산 1
NICE-LI-WA17-3 Wazuka 17-3 05/12-08/06 1
NICE-LI-WA17-4 Wazuka 17-4 06/30-09/23 1
NICE-LI-WA17-5 Wazuka 17-5 08/04-10/29 1
NICE-LI-WA17-6 Wazuka 17-6 09/21-12/15 1
The project is organized together with E-Wasa (EW) from 2015. It means good Japanese tea and is a local NPO created in 2012 to organize agricultural events, support people who live in Wazuka as new tea farmers. Short term workcamps are hosted every year since 2001 by other local group. One of tea farmers who was camp leader in the workcamp in Wazuka was fascinated, so became a tea farmer here. Then, he established EW for future of Wazuka. Wazuka is famous for green tea (called Uji-cha, but they want to PR as Wazuka-cha), but has been facing depopulation, lack of workers and aging society since most of youth leave the town. So, the number of abandoned tea farms are increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life, custom and scenery. EW hopes to host vols. to work together to animate the town and revive the tea farms.

Work: We will do natural tea farming in abandoned tea farms with EA. After reviving farms, EA will provide it for new tea farmer who want to start as new tea farmer. We will join the local events, weekend workcamp too.
Study theme: Volunteers will get knowledge of green tea, Matcha.

Accommodation: Single room at the volunteer’s house. Volunteers will cook for themselves.

Location: About 80 km from the center of Osaka. Most of the peninsula was designated as a quasi-national park. It was selected as “one of the most beautiful villages in Japan” in 2013. A famous landscape known as the beautiful tea farms it’s called “Cha-genkyo”
Terminal: From Osaka/Kyoto: 1 hour and a half by train and bus. It is located near Nara. From Tokyo: 2 hours by bullet train then 1 hour and half by train and bus. Volunteers need to arrive at Kansai airport by 8:00 on the 1st day, and can leave Japan after 22:00 on the last day.

Leisure Activity : It was selected as “one pf the most beautiful villages in Japan” 2013. A famous landscape known as the "Beautiful Tea farms" It is called “Cha-genkyo”.

Special Requirement: Strong motivation to work with the host, respect of the local customs and life. open mind and flexibility.
* 프로그램 참가기간은 3개월입니다.
* 일본어 기본회화 가능자에 한하여 신청 가능합니다.

   Iwami-ginzan, Shimane
프로젝트 코드 프로젝트 명 활동 지역 활동 기간 활동 테마 인원
NICE-LI-IW17-3 Iwami-ginzan 17-3  
04/07-07/02 복지, 환경 1
NICE-LI-IW17-4 Iwami-ginzan 17-4 05/12-08/06 1
NICE-LI-IW17-5 Iwami-ginzan 17-5 06/30-09/23 1
NICE-LI-IW17-6 Iwami-ginzan 17-6 08/04-10/29 1
NICE-LI-IW17-7 Iwami-ginzan 17-7 09/21-12/15 1
NICE-LI-IW17-8 Iwami-ginzan 17-8 10/27-01/14 1
This project is organized together with the ‘Organization of Green and Water’ (OGW) since 2011. It was founded in 1992. This organization was established to advocate for the importance of the prairie and forest in our ecosystem. They work around Iwami Ginzan, a silver mine, which was registered as a World Heritage site in 2007. The organization wants to care for the forests and prairies. It is important to continue to care for our forests after we have disrupted the ecosystem. Extension of bamboo forests is a serious problem in Japan.

Work: Empowering NEET youth (Communication with them, they can get confidence by the experiences of communicating foreign people, to talk, to do activities). We will do various work to maintain and protect the forests such as cutting bamboos and grasses, burning grasses, etc…
Study theme: Volunteers will get knowledge of how to conserve Satoyama, maintaining forest, taking care of world heritage place.

Accommodation: Volunteers will share the rooms in the house named ‘Yukimi-ru’, it is the center of NEET youth members. Volunteers will cook by themselves.

Location: About 250 km northwest of Osaka
Terminal : From Osaka: 5 hours by bus/ From Tokyo: 6 hours by bullet train and train or 12 hours by midnight bus and train. Volunteer needs to arrive at Kansai airport by 8:00 the 1st day, and can leave Japan after 22:00 on last day.

Leisure Activity : Visiting school, exchange parties.

Special requirement: motivation to learn and speak Japanese language. for the host, interest in nature conservation.

* 프로그램 참가기간은 3개월입니다.
* 일본어 중급회화 가능자에 한하여 신청 가능합니다.
* 현지기관으로부터 매달 소정의 용돈이 지급됩니다.

  Ikata, Ehime
프로젝트 코드 프로젝트 명 활동 지역 활동 기간 활동 테마 인원
NICE-LI-IK17-3 Ikata 17-3  Ehime 04/07-07/02 농업, 세계유산 1
NICE-LI-IK17-4 Ikata 17-4 05/12-08/06 1
NICE-LI-IK17-5 Ikata 17-5 06/30-09/23 1
NICE-LI-IK17-6 Ikata 17-6 08/04-10/29 1
NICE-LI-IK17-7 Ikata 17-7 09/21-12/15 농업 1
NICE-LI-IK17-8 Ikata 17-8 10/27-01/14 1

The project is organized together with Kikuya Community Group (KCG), formed by the local young people to think of the future of their small village. Ikata is famous for its main industry of oranges farming, but has been facing depopulation, lack of workers and aging society since most of young people leave the town. So, the number of abandoned orange farms is increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life, custom and scenery. KCG strongly hopes to host volunteers to work together to animate the town and revive the farms.

Work: Volunteers will help orange farming (It is the main work!! Harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc., it depend on season. Especially, November to April is hard), support local youth club, and create new activities to animate the town.

Accommodation : Volunteers will share room at the volunteer’s house. Volunteers will cook for themselves.

Location: In the edge of Sata Peninsula, surrounded by the sea, so fishing is also famous. There are only 30 houses in this community. The climate is relatively warm though it can be cold in winter.
Terminal : Matsuyama (2.5 hours by bus) from Tokyo, 12-13 hours by highway bus. Volunteers need to arrive at Kansai airport by 8:00 on the 1st day, and can leave Japan after 22:00 on the last day.

Leisure Activity: Participation in the local events, Sightseeing, short trip (hot springs and famous places here etc)

Special requirement: Strong motivation to work with the host, respect to the local custom and life, open mind and flexibility.

* 프로그램 참가기간은 3개월입니다.
* 일본어 중급회화 가능자에 한하여 신청 가능합니다.
* 현지기관으로부터 매달 소정의 용돈이 지급됩니다.

*문의: 조희수 간사(asia@workcamp.org)

  사단법인 더나은세상 / 이사장 이영구 / 고유번호 : 105-82-19800
파리유네스코본부 국제자원봉사조정기구(CCIVS) 부회장기관

07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호 TEL:02-568-5858 FAX:02-330-2483 / 전화문의: 월-금 09시~18시(토/공휴일 휴무)
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