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2018년 프랑스 장기자원봉사(MLTV)

2018-03-19 · 관리자

2018년 프랑스 MLTV 프로그램


■ 제출서류
1) 영문참가신청서(Application Form)
- 기관 양식으로 작성
<참가신청서 다운로드> 클릭
2) 국문, 영문지원동기서(Motivation Letter) 각각 1부
- MS워드(자유양식) 1장 분량으로 참가신청서와 함께 제출
- 파일제목: 본인의 영문이름(ML) - Gildong HONG

■ 제출방법
- 제출서류(영문참가신청서, 국 영문 지원동기서) 알집으로 압축
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■ 신청기간 : 4월1일(일), 정오까지 
                    *선착순으로 심사 진행되므로 조기 마감 될 수 있습니다.
■ 신청조건 : 19~25세 이하 

■ 참가절차

신청 ► 1차 심사 ► 선발자 대상 상담 ► 참가비용 입금 ► 참가절차 진행 ► 2차심사 ► 발표
* 최종 확정 발표까지 약 2주 정도 소요되므로 시간적 여유를 두고 신청 바람

■ 참가비용 : 50만원
* 포함내역: 등록 및 프로그램 배치, 사전교육, 현지활동 운영비, 인증서 발급
* 불포함 내역: 항공권, 여권발급비, 비자발급비, 여행자 보험, 개인여행비용 및 용돈
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<2018 프랑스 장기자원봉사 프로그램>

*업데이트 일자 : 2018.3.18

프로젝트명 활동 기간 접수현황
Vir'volt 2018.05.15~2019.02.15 마감
La ferme du Faï 2018.04.30~2018.10.29 마감

공통 안내 사항

 - 국제자원봉사 활동에 관심이 있는 자
 - 적극적이고 활발한 성격의 소유자
 - 낯선 환경에서도 문제없이 생활이 가능한 자
 - 영어 혹은 프랑스어 사용 가능자(기본회화)
 * 숙식 제공
 * 도시에서 멀리 떨어진 시외곽 지역에서 진행됨
 * 공동생활
 * 노력봉사

 * 프랑스 현지기관에서의 최종 확정 답변이 많이 늦는 편입니다.
    신청하시는 분들은 이 점 유의하셔서 신청해주시기 바랍니다.

The Project/work: 
In 2017, the association Vir’Volt is starting a new project in partnership with the town of La Ferté Alais. The association is developing a new hosting center, on the place of the former town campsite. The association uses various camping accommodations (roulottes, yurts, tents…) in order to host people on the site.

The objectives of the association is to develop on and near the site various projects connected with non-formal education and intellectuality, and to host groups which come to take part to the projects of the association.

The role of the volunteers in this project is to help the association and the team of the association to run the place. As a volunteer in this project, you will experience work with other people in order to discover how to live with each other, people who come from different countries, backgrounds, religions. Besides you will have the opportunity to work a lot outside, building things with recycled material, like wood palettes, making small structures out of stone, taking care of the associations surrounding. You will be able to organize activities for the local people/youth or to organize activities with them. As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to host groups of young people for a week or two and work with them. You will also help to host and organize international work camps, Youth Exchanges, and seminars and trainings organized by Solidarités Jeunesses.

As a volunteer in Solidarites Jeunesses your role is also to help the associations to promote recikling, importance of clean enviroment, promote collective life, environmentally friendly practices (recycling, protection of environment, gardening). Promote collective life, richness of diversity, promoting non vilence and equality. You will also have opportunities to talk about your volunteer experience in order to promote international
mobility and engagement.

You will sleep in roulottes located in the hosting center. The centre has bathrooms and showers, as well as a kitchen place. Food will be cooked by the volunteers in turns, which Means that at least once a week you will be part of the kitchen team with other volunteers and participants to the projects. Food shopping is done once a week and collectively. So don’t worry there is always food ;).

The place is located in an former comping site, peaceful natural environment with a lot of trees, so you will have plenty of fresh air and quietness for a good night rest. All the necessary facilities are available either on the site or in the town of La Ferté Alais.

Location: La Ferté Alais, Around 62 km from Paris.
Terminal : La Ferte Alais
La ferme du Faï 
The Project : 
The association Village des Jeunes, the regional delegation of Solidarités Jeunesse in Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, is an informal education association recognized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Through its actions, the Villages des Jeunes aims to promote :

- The voluntary participation of everyone, especially the youth and the underprivileged, in local, national and international life.
- Local development that keep in mind individuals, the environment and cultural heritage.
- Communication between people from different countries and different generations.
- The concrete construction of peace.

Work :
For 6 months, it will be about helping our supervisor in the preparation and the animation of the workcamps,
an opportunity to explore all the specificities of the job :

- Site visits with the heritage architect and the partners (landlords, officials)
- Support for the supply of materials and tools
- Support to the realization of the works with the volunteers: explanation of the works,
transmission of technical gestures, organization of workstations
- Facilitation of the group: support for the dynamics of intercultural exchanges during the
working time, translations ...

Location: Le Saix
Terminal :Gare de Veynes Devoluy 


  사단법인 더나은세상 / 이사장 이영구 / 고유번호 : 105-82-19800
파리유네스코본부 국제자원봉사조정기구(CCIVS) 부회장기관

07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호 TEL:02-568-5858 FAX:02-330-2483 / 전화문의: 월-금 09시~18시(토/공휴일 휴무)
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