• 이름 : Sadikshya
• 국가(코드) : 포르투갈(PT-PO-01-18) / 활동기간 : 2018-07-03 ~ 2018-07-14
• 주제 : 장애/예술     • 타이틀 : Stage on the street: all included!
• 개최지역 : Amarante, Portugal
참가동기, 참가 전 준비, 워크캠프에 기대했던 점

I participated in this workcamp with a lot excitement, expectations and clear purposes. My purpose was to travel, learn more about languages and cultures and practice Portuguese.
Before departing for the workcamp, I packed my luggage according to what was suggested in the info sheet and it worked out just right. In the workcamp, i expected to make friends from different culture, learn from each other and socialize with the locals.

현지 활동이야기, 특별한 에피소드, 함께한 사람들(참가자, 지역주민)

Our role in the workcamp was to prepare the props for the street theatre performance by the patients of rehabilitaion for disabled people. The most beautiful moment for me in the workcamp was to see how the people there were so happy, kind and welcoming to everybody even if they had certain disabilities.

참가 후 변화, 배우고 느낀 점, 하고 싶은 이야기

I have definitely learned some life lessons from this workcamp. I am so convinced that happiness comes from within yourself. We are way less grateful for all the things we have in our life. We need to start focusing on the good things and help each other as much as we can with open heart. Also, travelling opens up your mind in ways that we never thought of before.

프로그램 세부정보

총 참가자들의 국가 수는? (본인 포함) 10개국 이상
총 참가자 수는? 15명 이상
항공료 : 1000000 원 / 국내출발
교통비(항공료 제외) : 50000 원
참가 중 지출 비용(현지 참가비 제외) : 0 원
미팅포인트 : 워크캠프 장소
숙박형태 : 자원봉사자전용숙소
화장실 : 건물 내
인터넷 사용 환경 : 건물 내 가능
취사여부 : 취사 안함
봉사활동 시간(1일 기준) : 9시간 이상
공용언어(영어)가 잘 사용되었는가? 그렇지 않다면, 이유는? : 그렇다
사전 제공된 인포싯에 더 포함되었으면 하 : the purpose of the workcamp
가까운 지인이나 가족에게 워크캠프를 추천할 의향을 점수로 표기한다면 몇 점입니까? (0~10점) : 9
기타 하고 싶은 말이 있다면?
This workcamp was a great experience. I would love to participate more. If there are some programs that support the airfare, it would be very helpful.

2012년 이전
아래 링크를

2012 이전 워크캠프
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